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Incredible !

Envoyé par : Dirk Van Denn (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Thu 6 June 2002 07:33:15


An immature (probably 3rd-year) Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus) is still at
nature reserve "De
Slufter", Texel (Noord-Holland) this morning. The bird, that is not ringed
(or dyed white) attracted a crowd of about 50 birders early in the morning
(up at 4.45, first boat at 6.35 a.m.) that could watch the bird at a
distance of about 500-700m. It started flying before 9 a.m. and so all the
present gulls also had an early start. When flying low over the dunes and
meadows the bird dwarfed the mobbing Marsh Harriers (Circus aeruginosus) -
one of the latter measuring about 2/3 of one wing of the Lammergeier's!
Around 10 a.m. the bird flew north and attempted to cross to Vlieland
(Friesland) several times, whereby it flew as low as 10m over some birders
(with video cameras), before moving south again. From 4 p.m. onwards it
remains at "De Slufter" again, still at the island of Texel.

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