Identification et Taxonomie

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Envoyé par : Bernard Triolet (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Tue 10 June 2003 06:55:24

Bonjour à tous,

En lien avec l'article d'Ornithomedia sur le Vautour de Rüppel, je vous transmet la demande du Colectivo Ornitológico Cigüeña Negra / Estación Ornitológica de Tarifa (Andalousie)
Crta. N-340 km. 78,5
11380 Tarifa
Tel. 639.859.350

Il recherchent un émetteur pour le placer sur un Vautour de Rüppell (Gyps rueppeli) récupéré en Espagne, afin de mieux comprendre les mouvements migratoires de cette espèce entre l'Afrique et l'Europe. Associations francophones (FIR, LPO, AVES, etc.), n'hésitez pas à aider nos amis espagnols à mieux comprendre les phénomènes migratoires !

Voici le message original :

Dear friends,

We write you from Colectivo Ornitológico Cigüeña Negra (COCN),
an ornitologist association in Tarifa.

We want to inform you that on last wednesday 28 of May, we found
a Rüppell's Vulture (Gyps rueppellii) very close to the road N-340 near our
Ornitological Station in Tarifa. This animal had symptoms of being tired and
undernourished. So we brought this bird the same day to the best
Recuperation center in this area that is in the zoo of Jerez. They informed
us that the bird is in good conditions and will be returned to the wild life
That's not the first time that an individue of Rüppell's Vulture
is seen in the south of Europe, but we don't know why birds of this specie
with an African distribution appears occasionally in the south of Europe. We
would like to know wich are the movements that this bird do in the Iberican
Peninsule and when this bird go back to Africa and wich rute he follows. We
could do it putting a transmissor in the bird and making a satellit
following of this bird. The problem is that our association hasn't got
enough resources to do it, that's the reason because we need your help. We
want you to give us a transmissor for this bird and you could make de
following of this bird, anything very interesting and unknowed as I told you
before, and share with us the information that you obtain
Please think about it, We tink that it's anything very
interesting and we would like to be able to do it, any impossible without
the colaboration of our two associations.
I hope you like this proposal and a soon answer. Please tell us
if you need more information
Our best wishes for you and your association

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