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Birdwatching Vosges

Envoyé par : Kilian W. (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Thu 21 August 2003 06:09:45

Hello all..

Since I'll be in southwestern Germany during the next week I just wanted to spend some time birding in the vosges (in the region Basel to Mulhouse/Colmar.
Perhaps anyone of you could tell me, where to find the following species:
Wallcreeper (Tichodrome échelette)
Three-toed Woodpecker (Pic tridactyle)
Bonelli's Warbler (Pouillot de Bonelli)
Capercaillie (Grand Tétras)
Pygmy Owl (Chouette chevèchette)

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Birdwatching Vosges

Envoyé par : Pierre Servais (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Thu 21 August 2003 09:32:32

Güten Tag Kilian,

Firstly, I can ensure you that the Three-toed Woodpecker doesn't breed in the Vosges ...
I'm going to read my papers and I'll send you today or tomorrow some proposals to try to find the others birds you'd like to watch.


Re: Birdwatching Vosges

Envoyé par : François Fresse (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Thu 21 August 2003 09:44:54

Hello Kilian,

According to Yves Muller (Ornithos, 10-1), there's only One pair of Pygmy Owls in the Vosges : the breeding was studied in a mature oak forest at 250 m asl at the east of the little town of Bitche (departement of Moselle).
This species seems to be much more frequent in the Black Forest (Germany).


Re: Birdwatching Vosges

Envoyé par : Renaud Duchrit (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Thu 21 August 2003 17:31:06

Hello Kilian,

For the Bonelli's Warbler, explore the sunny slopes of the Remel Mount(Wolschwiller) et the surroundings of the Landskron ruins.
For the capaercaillie, which is very rare and must not be disturbed, explore the surroundinfs of the Réserve Naturelle du Grand Ventron (50 km north-West of Mulhouse) and the massif de Saint-Antoine.

En français pour les autres :

Pour essayer de voir le Pouillot de Bonelli dans les Vosges, explorez les versants ensoleillés du Remel (Wolschwiller) et les environs de la
ruine Landskron.
pour le Grand tétras, qui est rare et menacé, et qui ne doit pas être dérangé, il existe des réserves forestières comme celle du Grand Ventron, à une cinquantaine de kilomètres au Nord-Ouest de Mulhouse, ou le massif de Saint-Antoine.


Re: Birdwatching Vosges

Envoyé par : François Fresse (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Fri 22 August 2003 06:33:12

Hello Kilan,

The Wallcreeper doesn't breed either in the Vosges, and the nearest population is in the Jura range, near the Swizz border (more in the south)....


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