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Menaces sur les mangroves de Khor Kalba

Envoyé par : Ornithomedia (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Mon 20 May 2002 16:29:53

Menaces sur les mangroves de Khor Kalba (Emirats Arabes Unis). Source : OSME.orgKhor Kalba is well known to those visiting the Middle East for its populations of White-collared Kingfisher Halcyon chloris kalbaensis and Sykes's Warbler Hippolais (caligata) rama. Both are locally endangered and the mangrove habitat highly threatened. It appears amazing that the site, which straddles the border with Oman, has received no proper protection. White-collared Kingfisher is restricted, in Arabia, to this area and occasionally other smaller sites in Oman, and may number no more than 100 individuals. Sykes's Warbler is treated specifically by some authorities and nests in small numbers. Two species of marine turtle formerly bred at Khor Kalba and still occur. Reported threats to the site include indiscriminate shooting, dumping of rubbish and pollutants, removal of topsoil and intrusion by four-wheel-drive vehicles. Local fishermen appear to have no regard for the area, dragging their nets by using their vehicles. Oil tankers clean out their tanks offshore, leaving oil slicks of which just one, if swept inshore, could wipe out the unique wildlife of Khor Kalba. A report highlights these problems and reminds us that the site is important for many other species including herons and shorebirds, as well as arguably the largest concentration of Sooty Gull Larus hemprichii in the region. It appears high time that the site was accorded proper protection. Ignoring the plight of this wonderful area will surely see the demise and local extinction of White-collared Kingfisher. (Source: David Camilleri in litt. to MEBirdNet, quoting from Gulf News [www.gulf-news.com] Articles/news.asp?ArticleID=17593.)

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