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informations sur les travailleurs

Envoyé par : gloppy (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Thu 10 April 2003 09:16:30


Je souhaiterais avoir des information sur les travailleurs (quelea si j'ai bien compris!). Mode de vie, lieu, alimentation, photos...
j'ai eu beau faire des recherche sur différents sites je n'ai rien trouvé!!
l'espece qui m'interresse particulierement à un bec rouge et le male porte un masque noir alors que la femmelle est plus "terne".

Cordialement et merci d'avance,


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Re: informations sur les travailleurs

Envoyé par : Thierry Haas (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Thu 10 April 2003 09:26:12


Il doit s'agir du Ploceus melanocephalus
[Black-headed Weaver], une espèce africaine.

Une photo de mâle est visible sur www.senecaparkzoo.org/animals/ birds/weaver3.jpg.

Femelle sur members.lycos.nl/Tigrai/ backyard1.htm.

En anglais : Dianah Nalwanga (nalwanga@botzoo.uct.ac.za) a fait une étude sur cette espèce, dont voici un résumé :

Dianah graduated with a BSc Honours degree in Botany and Zoology from Makerere University, Uganda, in 2000. Her research project was on wildlife and natural resource ecology studying the effect of trampling on Paspalum lawns. She developed an interest in birds as an undergraduate, when she took part in several bird counts in preparation for the Pan African Ornithological Congress (PAOC). After graduating, Dianah went on a field training programme organised by the African Tropical Biodiversity Programme (ATBP) in Mabira Forest, Uganda, working on birds and mammals. Soon after that, she volunteered to facilitate the PAOC. She then conducted part-time research on birds with Prof. Derek Pomeroy, Institute of Environment and Natural Resourses, Makerere University (MUIENR). Most of this work focused on Black-headed Weaver colonies along the major roads around Kampala. In July 2001 Dianah attended another field training programme organised by the Tropical Biology Association in Tanzania, focussing on plants and insects. Before she came to Cape Town, she had a six-month contract to work as a research assistant in MUIENR analysing historical data on Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in western Uganda. She was also offered an Earthwatch Fellowship in Ghana during February 2002, but had to forego this to attend the CB course. Her interest is in biodiversity conservation of birds, mammals and plants.

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