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Dernières décisions taxo du BOURC

Envoyé par : François Duprès (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Thu 18 December 2003 08:42:57


Voici (en anglais) les dernières décisions du BOURC :

The Taxonomic Sub-committee (TSC) of the British Ornithologists' Union
Records Committee (BOURC) has recently completed work on a series of
taxonomic recommendations relating to the British List.

A full report of the current recommendations, with supporting information,
will appear in the January 2004 issue of Ibis (Ibis 146: 153-156).
Amongst the recommendations are the following:

*Tundra Swan Cygnus columbianus, Bewick's Swan Cygnus c. bewickii and
Whistling Swan C. c. columbianus should continue to be treated as

*Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka to be treated as two species, Pied
Wheatear O. pleschanka and Cyprus Wheatear O. cypriaca. Only O. pleschanka
has been recorded in Britain.

*Desert Warbler Sylvia nana to be treated as two species, Asian Desert
Warbler S. nana and African Desert Warbler S. deserti. All British records
have been assigned to S. nana.

*Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva to be treated as two species,
Red-breasted Flycatcher F. parva and Taiga Flycatcher F. albicilla. Two
recent records of Taiga Flycatcher are under consideration.

*Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. Atlas Flycatcher to be treated as a
full species Ficedula speculigera. There are no claims of this species in
Britain, but the recommendation clarifies the world distribution of F.

The full list of recommendations in the Taxonomic Sub-committee's
forthcoming report have been accepted by the BOURC, and will be implemented
when formally published in the January 2004 issue of the BOU's journal, Ibis
(Ibis 146: 153-156).

The BOURC-TSC has also been working with the Association of European
Rarities Committees Taxonomic Advisory Committee (AERC-TAC), which has
recently posted taxonomic information on the AERC website

The AERC-TAC document includes a series of taxonomic recommendations for
European birds. As the document clearly states, this is not a final version.
Many items and opinions expressed in the document are still being discussed
or have not yet been agreed among the European taxonomic committees.

Although the BOURC-TSC is listed as a contributor of the document, the
contents of the current version are not supported by the BOU, nor are they
supported by all the other European taxonomic committees, e.g. the Commissie
Systematiek Nederlandse Avifauna (CSNA) are issuing their own statement to
this effect. The AERC-TAC recommendations do not affect the British List.
The report of BOURC-TSC, which is published in Ibis, remains the official
publication of the BOU.

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Re: Dernières décisions taxo du BOURC

Envoyé par : François (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Thu 18 December 2003 16:54:46

Et une coche en fauteuil supplémentaire !

Re: Dernières décisions taxo du BOURC

Envoyé par : Patrick Huron (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Thu 18 December 2003 16:56:16

Pourquoi François ?

Re: Dernières décisions taxo du BOURC

Envoyé par : Laurent (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Fri 19 December 2003 07:59:02

Pas de coche pour moi...

Re: Dernières décisions taxo du BOURC

Envoyé par : François (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Tue 23 December 2003 13:44:45

Une coche dans un fauteuil, c'est quand j'apprends qu'une instance compétente * élève au rang d'espèces des populations géographiquement séparées qui étaient considérées comme sous-espèce lorsque je les ai observées.
*(souvent autoproclamée)
Cette remarque pour faire réagir Valéry
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