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1er meeting ornitho international d'Italie !

Envoyé par : Luciano Ruggieri (Adresse IP journalisée)
Date : Tue 27 January 2004 14:23:51


I'd like to announce the FIRST International Birdwatcher Fair
for Italy.

The event will take place from 29th April to 2nd May in Comacchio,
in the magnificent scenery of Palazzo Bellini, in the very heart of
the protected area of the Po Delta Park, among the cultural cities
of Venice, Ferrara and Ravenna.

The exhibition will include a wide range of stands arranged by
companies and promoting birdwatching destinations. Furthermore,
several additional activities will be held: photographic
exhibitions; celebrations of local gastronomy; typical products of
the Po Delta; guided visits to the most important natural sites for
bird watching in the Po Delta Park area with guiding by EBN Italia ;
demonstrations arranged by the exhibitors; meetings and sports

The web site will contains all the
information about the event, including the detailed programme for
the fair.

Foreign birders will warmly welcome!
(Pygmy Cormorant, Lesser crested Tern, Caspian Tern...and much more)

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